Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) is the principal methodology for assessing the potential hazard posed by earthquakes. The hazard maps generated with this calculator are widely used in national seismic codes for hazard zonation and structural design provisions.
This module briefly presents the basic concepts of classical PSHA and the wide spectrum of alternatives to model seismicity and uncertainties (epistemic and aleatory) in the OpenQuake-engine.
Explore the required input files for a PSHA in the OpenQuake-engine, run an example, and visualise the results, such as hazard maps for different return periods, hazard curves, and uniform hazard spectra (UHS).
Prerequisite: Module II
This session presents the basic concepts and modelling alternatives of classical PSHA in the OpenQuake-engine.
Explore the required input files, run an example, and visualise hazard maps for different return periods, hazard curves, and uniform hazard spectra (UHS)
Main concepts:
Classical PSHA, logic trees, seismic source models, ground-motion models (GMPEs), hazard curves, Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS).
3 hours
Material for the class:
Material - Introduction to classical PSHA