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Event-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis uses a PSHA model to generate stochastic event sets (SES) that represent the seismicity of a region in a given time span. Losses and statistics for individual assets and portfolio of assets can be estimated, such as average annual loss (AAL) statistics and maps, event loss tables, loss exceedance curves (EC, or maximum probable losses, PML), and loss maps. These risk metrics are important in the medium and long term risk planning, and in the development of mechanisms for risk transfer.


This module briefly presents the basic concepts of event-based risk analysis, and its importance on earthquake risk assessment.


Explore the required input files for Event-based risk analysis in the OpenQuake-engine, run an example, and visualise the results.


Prerequisite: Module III


This session presents the basic concepts of Event-based risk analysis in the OpenQuake-engine.


Explore the required input files, run an example, and visualise average annual loss maps, loss exceedance curves, portfolio statistics and associated uncertainties.

Main concepts:

Stochastic event sets (SES), Average Annual Loss (AAL), loss exceedance curves (EC, PML), loss maps.



3 hours


Material for the class:

Material: Event-based risk assessment​



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